Thursday, February 28, 2013


There hasn't been too many situations where I can say I've been hegemonized by a teacher. Although, I can say I've dealt with hegemony with other Christians. Sometimes I feel as if they try to dominate over me when they see I do not live the same as they do. I feel judged and shut down when they realize I may not have the same beliefs as they do. I believe that I should be able to express my beliefs without being belittled or judged.


  1. Dear Amy,
    I am so sorry that you feel this way but trust when I say that you are not alone and your treatment is wrong. I am a Christian and when I moved to New York I went to an all girls Catholic school. There, no one ever told me that what I believed was wrong or forced their own teachings on me. Instead I made many friends who wanted to know what I thought, why and what I thought about them. I found that even those of the same religion or family can have very different views just like many I knew back home. I remember many lunches talking about gay marriage, obeying your parents and sins with them; each person saw it in their own way and some times we simply agreed to disagree. But even though we were different we respected each other enough to learn and laugh together and even when I moved away their lessons of sharing a meal with someone who is different still makes me smile. I hope that you can stay strong through this and find such friends in the future. Remember, everything has a reason and if he can care for the birds then he will care for you through this too. I will pray for your strength.
    Cari Raymond
    You can find me here:

  2. Dear Amy,
    I am so sorry that you feel like a lesser version of who you really are by what others say. I was bullied for many years and understand what you are going through but please know that not everyone is like the ones who have hurt you. When I moved from Alabama to New York the only school near me was an all girl Catholic school and in all my years of education it was there that I learned the most. I soon made friends who, when they found out that I was a Baptist, asked many questions about my faith and believes. I also asked them questions and soon we spent many lunch periods talking and debating over topics from church, religion class or simply something we needed help with that day. There I discovered that even though I was different from them, they respected our friendship enough to included me in their lives to laugh and learn together. At one point I had the whole table laughing when I explained why, being from Alabama and loving Mardi Gras, I thought the rosary was a necklace and put it on in class. Sometimes we disagreed on one or two points but not once did one side force their views on another. As I said before: we had respect for each other. Though I have moved away I still remember the joy it brought to be with others in peace knowing that our time together mattered more than our differences. I agree that one should not be punished for speaking their mind and I will pray for your strength to get through this too.
    Cari Raymond

    You can find me at my blog:
    Cari Raymond's EDM 310 Class Blog
