Monday, March 18, 2013

How To Kill Caesar

If I were the leader behind the mission to kill Julius Caesar, my plot would go something like this. First, the group of people that has joined me to kill Caesar and I would treat Caesar as if nothing were going to happen to him. Then, we would get him to come to the senate house where he will be murdered. I would wait right before he was crowned to stab him in a lethal location on his body. While this happened, I would get my followers to detain Antony to prevent him from defending Caesar. After Caesar is dead, I would probably make a public speech to all the witnesses justifying the whole ordeal.

Monday, March 11, 2013

10 Lies About High School

1. You can always look up to any teacher.
2. "We support our football team."
3. "We are one."
4. School uniform policy will be enforced at all times.
5. Everything you learn will be useful to you later on.
6. Eating in class will not be allowed.
7. Our cafeteria meals are healthy and appetizing.
8. Pep Rallies encourage our football team.
9. Taking College Prep Courses is worth it.
10. "[Insert Due Date] NO exceptions."


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Wednesday, March 6, 2013

"Caged Bird"

Melinda in the story Speak can relate to the bird in the poem "Caged Bird" very well. Melinda feels as if she is weighed down by her secret, kind of like the caged bird in the story felt as if he was weighed down because its feet were tied down. Melinda tries to speak up (like the Caged bird) but fails to do so because it is afraid of what may happen. Melinda differs from the caged bird because she finally ends up speaking out and becomes a "free bird". The caged bird, on the other hand, remains caged. In the poem the author states that the caged bird can't see through its bars of rage. I think this can relate to Melinda because she has so many bottled-up feelings of what happened to her it deprives her of her social life.